Church garden

New to SJUMC


Thank you for your interest in the Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church. We welcome you as a visitor and hope you will become a regular attendee or will consider becoming a member.

When you come to visit

You will be welcomed by a greeter. Please stop and let the greeter know you are a visitor so we can provide you with a member to show you around and to meet the Pastor.

Come as you are

Some members dress up, but many dress casually. We want you to be comfortable, so casual dress is always welcomed.

Worship Services

The Sunday services begin at 10:30 AM. You will be greeted before entering the sanctuary. All services feature singing, praying, scripture reading, and a sermon. Children of all ages are always welcome at our services.

Stay for Fellowship

Occasionally, we gather in the Fellowship Hall to share a light lunch and visit with each other.

Sunday School

Sunday school begins October 8, 2023.